About the Circle Garden

About the Circle Garden

When I went about the physical task of turning a menagerie of pots and small beds into an ever-expanding beautiful garden landscape, something happened. Once entering the garden, you were inexplicably transported somewhere else. The journey was not only a physical one but a spiritual one. Gardening with an esoteric mindset, a seemingly endless supply of rocks and a fascination with ancient stone circles and medicine wheels eventually led to the creation of a stone circle garden.

I spend a lot of time with my head buried in a computer so having this flourishing natural space as a place to escape to for a moment of time refreshes body, mind, and spirit. Even the physical act of gardening with mindfulness can be a rejuvenating and meditative process. Through these videos you can find some of the magic that is the Circle Garden and surrounding landscape.

I’m a child of the universe, a seeker of light and wisdom, who gardens by sun and crafts by moon.